Monday, January 12, 2009

defining violence

I am in the middle of attempting to develop a logical, holistic view of violence that I can use as a working reference in dialogue concerning the issues that revolve this issue.

I have found that there are many different views and understandings of what violence entails. This creates voids in dialogue, because I most likely view violence differently than you do. So in order to dialogue about something we must share a common language. would you define violence?

Personally, I would begin here:

  1. It is physical, emotional, spiritual, & mental.
  2. It involves force.
  3. It can be done with good or bad intentions

How would you combine, add to, and refine these idea into a basic understanding of violence?


stephendcady said...

I'd like to hear your definitions as you continue to work it pinpoint it. If violence is more than physical, is all violence wrong? And if so, where is the line between violence and tension that creates strength, like when we learn new ideas or break old habits? God must have the right to do 'violence' to my idea of truth? I don't always feel violated when he does.... I haven't been able to define violence much better, either.

dan said...

copy from Facebook:
Peter Bagely said:
A wilful use of force against another for the purpose of disrupting, damaging, or destroying their existence.

Wally Lamb's new novel addresses this theme in the lives of victims and their victims. If you've got time for 900+pages it's a worthwhile read. Columbine, 9/11, Iraq, Katrina, the civil war, and a man's search for significance and truth.